Summer study materials are on their own tab under IB Chemistry. See you next fall.
Final note for your final.
Be sure to review
See you soon. I filled in topics 6 and 7 on the texts and readings page. Study well, come see me with questions, I'm not available tomorrow afternoon but am before and after school the rest of the week.
Here are the rest of the slide shows. remember, there is some HL material so follow your syllabus.
Here is the link to the google drive I set up (Thank you Maddie) to house all of our outlines please name your outlines with their topic number and put in the correct folder. Also be sure not to delete anyones work. Also before you can upload a file you need to add it to your drive first. Link to Google Drive Also here are the power points from today and the Option B text is up now as well.
Option D text is up and below is the intro power point we started going through today. Remember we don't have a lot of time for this material so get on it. ![]()
TOPIC 10 TEST NEXY CLASS Be sure to review, the key to the 10.1 review practice I gave you is below, don't neglect the rest of the content in the text/notes the review sheet only covers naming/structures and identifying functional groups. Also all or you that missed Thursday or Friday, be sure to turn in your review project on Mon/Tues for credit. ![]()
HW. be sure to finish all the questions in the text by next class so we can go over any questions you may have. Also do Part 1 of the review project so you are ready to participate in class. MUN people remember you need to do Part 3 of the review project, feel free to work together on this if you would like. I will post a review worksheet that will cover 10.1 after next class. Below is the Review project that you need to do for next class. ![]()
Also here is the link to the reaction simulation site we looked at in class LINC
Great looking Models everyone!!! the melting point lab questions are due next class as we discussed. Please keep up on your reading and working through the problems in the text, we will be doing a subtopic a day until the test.
June 2015
IB chemistry
I am Ms. Riske, I teach chemistry at Sunset High School in Beaverton OR. This Blog is designed for my Students to follow what has been happening in our class. Categories |