OK, hooray the scanner is now fully functional!!!
Book work
-10.3 pg. 325-333, #33-49 Should get done by Th/F
-Ch10 review pg. 338-340, #50-100 Should get done by M/T
Th/F we have a sub again, I will be at the National Science Teacher's Association Conference gaining skills and inspiration to share with you all. In class you will be doing an empirical formula lab and working on a quiz review packet (the sub will have the key and I have it posted here.)
-The quiz will be on W/Th, M/T we will be doing a mini lab and some more work to ensure you all do great on the quiz!!! Please try all the problems on the review packet before M/T so we can address any questions you may have.
Book work
-10.3 pg. 325-333, #33-49 Should get done by Th/F
-Ch10 review pg. 338-340, #50-100 Should get done by M/T
Th/F we have a sub again, I will be at the National Science Teacher's Association Conference gaining skills and inspiration to share with you all. In class you will be doing an empirical formula lab and working on a quiz review packet (the sub will have the key and I have it posted here.)
-The quiz will be on W/Th, M/T we will be doing a mini lab and some more work to ensure you all do great on the quiz!!! Please try all the problems on the review packet before M/T so we can address any questions you may have.

ch10_quiz_review_blank.pdf |

ch10_quiz_review_key.pdf |