Have a lovely break!! Here are a few notes for you to consider.
- First for the fight club lab, I am going to postpone the due date until the Friday after we get back, with that said I still think you should get through your calculations and work on writing your analysis (which isn't really going to be that long) The thing we are missing is the treatment of the uncertainty in our calculations and I really want a chance to go over that with you. You could look in Ch.11 and just follow the rules listed there and I am sure you could figure it out, so if you want to get it done over break go for it but we will be having a short discussion of uncertainty in calculations next class.
- Second, you should finish the questions from topic 5.1, we will be having a quiz that will cover the calculation side of that section when we get back from break. Also reading through and beginning your R&R notes for 5.2 and 5.3 would be a good idea as we will need to be able to jump into that content as soon as we are back. We will be covering both of those sections on Tues/Wed and then doing our heat of combustion lab on THur/Fri.
- And lastly we will finally be doing our notebook check the week after break, so be ready for that.
- and one more thing, make sure you are getting your article summaries and videos in. You should have two of your articles in before christmas break.